Friday 22 January 2010

Booklet for museum exhibition

Actually, it's the first time I have to make a booklet from a scratch. Before all the materials like photos and texts were given by the clients, but this time is different.

So, I went to the available museums and made quite a lot of photos, nevertheless, a little to choose from:) Also I left with a bundle of printed booklets, to see available solutions and common style. What I saw was a great amount of text in every booklet. Can't say, that I don't like it, but sometimes the works speak for themselves. So I decided, that I will make a booklet with photos and names, and nothing else. After looking through the photos, I made my decision and chose three authors, whose works were thematically placed along: Maria Roosen, Robert Gober and Sarah Lucas. Part of the job is done:)

Now's the time to think about form-factor. I've made a lot of sketches, played with form, but for this exhibition rectangle appeared to be the best form. I started to play with it and finally I produces this:

Not much, but still a start:) Then I started to play with layouts in my computer and I encountered difficulties: not all the photos I made are good enough for this kind of layout and do not really represent the author. So I had to visit the museums website and take a couple of photos from there. I changed a form a little bit, because the previous was not very convenient to hold and thumb through, and picked the nice colors:

Here's a bit of result:

Colors appeared to be different, from what I wanted, but the paper was not for such kind of printing. Next time they will be better. Of course, there's still much work, especially with fonts, they do not want to co-operate with me:)